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For the Potential Company Listing with CrowdSprout

Large, accredited investors and venture capital firms usually have little interest in helping smaller, local businesses grow. Not because they don't believe in these companies or they’re not nice people, but simply because their business strategy and focus is on bigger deals.

Often, from their perspective, a $50,000 deal takes just as much time and effort to execute as a $1,000,000 deal. Also, as a rule, the firms with the skills and resources to raise such capital are not looking for a smaller $50,000 “Investment” but rather well over $100,000 in “Fees” from a larger deal.

Banks aren’t much help in these situations either.

Banks are risk adverse and require considerable collateral for their loans. You can only leverage your home so much. Banks are not necessarily bad organizations – they are just not structured for risky loans or equity investments in small early stage companies – even if you do make the best food products on the planet.

The result is that smaller private companies are left in the very dry desert of capital raising.

Often such companies are forced to rely only on friends and family to raise the early stage growth funding. Another scenario experienced by many entrepreneurs, is that they just keep working your day job to self fund, hoping their big break will present itself sometime off in the distant future.

Well the future is here.

CrowdSprout™ was built specifically to consistently facilitate smaller financial deals for smaller Colorado companies, from smaller (but far more numerous!) Colorado residents, taking advantage of the Colorado Crowdfunding Act.

But don't let this convince you that larger deals can't happen with CrowdSprout™. The Colorado law allows CrowdSprout to help raise up to $2 Million per year per company. That can be a game changer for most smaller Colorado companies.

CrowdSprout's focus is on the Local Foods, Cottage Foods and Health & Wellness industries; as well as, Small Family Farms and Food Trucks within Colorado. The investments your company will receive aren't just from any investor—they're from your existing or future customers and potentially, your neighbors.

With CrowdSprout™, you have the opportunity to grow your company while helping to grow your community.

CrowdSprout is designed to help you raise your first $25,000, then a year later another $200,000 and then later on, up to $2,000,000 – as you grow.

That’s a deal you’ll hardly ever find from larger, conventional investors and firms.

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CrowdSprout provides

The first, legal, accessible online platform in Colorado helping to grow:

  • CROWDS of people looking to invest in local, small businesses

  • COMPANIES seeking small investment raises from local residents

  • COMMUNITIES through the financial relationships between the crowd and the company