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More About CrowdSprout™ and Its Industry Focus

Thanks to the Colorado Crowdfunding Act, you now have the opportunity to invest in your future and grow your personal wealth—for you and your family—just like wealthier and more experienced investors have been doing for decades.

Because of current regulations, over 90% of Americans have been prevented from investing in nearly every: private company, startup and pre-initial public offering (IPOs).

At the federal level, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") rules prohibit individuals that are not “Accredited Investors” from such private investments. Simply put, “Accredited Investors” are those individuals worth more than $1 Million. The presumed purpose of this public policy argument has been to protect you. The practical result has been to limit your ability to build wealth for you and your family, while the wealthier families continue to gain even more wealth.

This is one of the main reasons why the top 10% of America's wealthiest families now own nearly 70% of the total wealth of the country. Read More.

Meanwhile, the lower 50% of all American families own only around 2% of the nation's wealth.

If you're in this lower 50% and looking for a path forward, the Colorado Crowdfunding Act now permits Colorado residentsto invest in private Colorado companies.

CrowdSprout was created to introduce Colorado residents to dozens of local Colorado companies seeking investment and to provide both, the “Crowd Investor” and “Listed Company” a platform to facilitate their meeting and any resulting potential investment.

That’s CrowdSprout’s only and very limited role. You Evaluate. You Decide. You Invest.

CrowdSprout focuses exclusively on Colorado Local Foods, Cottage Foods and Health & Wellness industries; as well as, Small Family Farms and Food Trucks.

We believe that “How a Community Eats is Directly Related to the Health of that Community”. We also believe that investing in local Health & Wellness companies is also an investment in the “Health” of our communities. We believe these companies offer our "Crowd" of neighbors and investors very reasonable opportunities that they can understand and that can provide them with a potential path to building long-term wealth for themselves, their families, and their communities.

In the end, the companies you’ll find on the CrowdSprout site are, in nearly every way, the exact opposite of an investment in cryptocurrency.

We focus on companies with products that the investor can see, touch and understand. With other “shiny” but “mysterious” types of investments, such as crytocurrencies, that just may not be the case.

You’ll always know who you’re investing in. You can meet the local management of the Colorado company you are investing in. As to their products, you can see them. You can touch them. You can understand them. You’ll know their value extends beyond just the whims of social media hype and that their products contain real, intrinsic value that you can truly believe in.

It’s why we say:

Invest in What you Can See, Touch and Understand™
Invest in What You Believe In™

Voting with Your Dollars

Every day, you vote with your dollars spent. Every day, you impact your local economy. Every day, you make local public policy. Invest Locally. Vote Wisely.

These are not just cute slogans, they are very practical and pragmatic economic truths. This is why our initial efforts focus is on local food-related, wellness based businesses and small family farmers, throughout the State of Colorado.

From your seed investment to maturity of the company, your investment—whether it's $100 or $5,000, can grow with the company and as they grow your community.

Individuals investing locally and shopping locally can inspire entire communities to invest locally and shop locally - which in turn can lead to more returns on your personal investing. We’re all connected.

Four Basic Components

The Process is Simple

1. Crowd

We grow a crowd of potential investors interested in supporting small local businesses.

2. Company

We offer local, small businesses a platform to consistently raise equity investment funds from this crowd.

3. Investment

We serve as an intermediary to facilitate the introduction and potential investment from our crowd to the small local company.

4. Equity

The companies provide their crowd investors equity in exchange for their investment.